Friday, September 28, 2007

We have it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What do we have??? We have PA!!!!!!!!!!

Well, y'all, I have been checking for PA everyday this week and while we were at lunch, yes at lunch and nowhere near the computer we got it!! How did we know, you ask? Our agency gets the same email from the US Embassy in Guatemala as we and our attorney does and when I didnt respond right back to her email, Carol called. Matt was sitting next to me and needless to say we were ecstatic, cloud one million and started calling everyone we could think of. When we got home first thing we did was look for the email from the US Embassy that stated we had it and when we found it it was just a simple statement we had it. So simple for something so fantastic and exciting. Now what, you ask? When do you bring your baby home? Well, first we haven't heard we are out of Family Court(FC), yet. Usually you get out of FC before getting PA (well not all the time but sometime) and until we have that we cant enter into PGN. What is FC? FC is the birthmother's homestudy and the report that her social worker will send out and is one of the necessary documents necessary to enter PGN. Next, when will we bring our baby home? Well, we are ALOT closer. We have to go through and get signed out of PGN before we can give any idea of when we will bring our baby home. PGN is affectionately termed the "black hole" of PGN as we never know when we will get out once we get in. Depends on if there are any previos (kick outs or KO). So still the answer to when we dont know when. We are praying and hoping!!!

Please continue to pray that we will be out of PGN by December 31, 2008. We are praying for our miracle and this would be our miracle.

I told that to a co-worker of Matt's today and she said that we should be praying for a miracle of being out of PGN by December 1,2008. That would be so awesome!!!! I really wish that could be the case. Do I dare ask for that miracle? I dont know if I can. I would be heartbroken if God said not yet, or no to that date and then my mind takes over and says it isnt possible. Remember, all those delays in the beginning. Well, I am still not sure if I want to ask that, but when I can spend some time with HIM in that decision I will post here. It would take all of you praying with us for that to happen as alot of things are happening politically in and between Guatemala and the US Govt pertaining to adoptions now in process which includes us. So, please in the next week or less please be praying about the decision to help us bring our son home. Not just our son but everyone's child home that is now in the process and there are thousands.

For all my friends and family and everyone reading this site please be praying about helping us all and we need the prayers for strength to get through it all, the wait, the ups and downs of PGN and everything else.

We go to visit our son again on October 14-18th and in order to afford this we need to fly standby. Matt's benefits will allow us to fly standby and visit once again. Flying standby means that we get a ticket without an assigned seat and then after everyone else has boarded if there are seats available the agent will clear standby passengers in order of priority. Matt works for US Airways Express and we are flying US Airways so all US Airways employees and family will have priority ahead of us. I miss my son terribly and looking forward to it. Please pray that we will have a seat on the trip there as well as trip back as US Airways flies only on Sundays, Tues, and Thurs to Guatemala and if not on the first flight we wont be going. For the trip back we need to be on it as Matt needs to be at work the next night. God is in control and He knows best so please pray with us.

Today is a great day!!!! Now, to get out of FC and into PGN. Thank you all.


veggiemom said...

Congrats on PA!!!

Come on FC!

Kerri and Ruby

Xadie's Journey said...

So glad you guys got PA so quickly. Congrats!!!!!!