Saturday, July 12, 2008

On this day

a year ago we had to say goodbye to our baby and head home to wait out a long, emotional process and as I recall the pain that we went through when it came time for our visit to end I am thankful we no longer have to go through that with our little boy. At the same time, I know that Sammy, Veronica and their family are still grieving as they miss him much so please be praying for them!!!!

Today we went and got Clay a haircut. He didn't like it so much until he got outside and realized it was cooler to his head in this Georgia heat!! Heading back to St. Louis, Saturday. Just for awhile as August will end soon and we can come home for good!!!


Laurie said...

Love the pics of Clay! The first one reminds me of Bella's new funny look where she rolls her eyes up and says "Hello Moto!"

Jaime said...

Clay is a handsome lil guy! Love to check for new photo's! Hope all is well!