Tuesday, July 8, 2008

One Year Ago today

is but a memory. It was a dream come true. A prayer in the process of being answered. The culmination of daydreams never voiced. That day will never be forgotten. I packed days before we left. Checked, double checked and even triple checked to make sure we had everything. We boarded a plane (Matt and I) on that day in the early morning hours that was delayed. We ran through the Houston airport hoping we were in time to catch our connecting flight. Landed in a foreign country, speaking nary a word of the language to catch a shuttle to a hotel, check in and wait. What was supposed to have been hours was actually a few minutes and the front desk called to ay we had visitors. We were excited, nervous, emotional and every other feeling imaginable. For what seemed like ages we had seen pictures and today the picture became reality.

We walked out of the elevator and saw him. Those big brown eyes and dark brown hair I kept watching for. For the first time in months I held and saw my baby for the very first time. The thrill of holding him, rocking him, playing with him, and seeing his Daddy with him. Our baby was no longer a picture of what our dreams were heading towards but realizing a dream and waiting for it to be official.

Today, our baby is home forever. He is no longer a baby but our precious little boy. He walks and runs. Says alot of different words. Loves music and Winnie the Pooh. Feeds himself and has no fear of the slide. Uses a straw and sleeps thru the night!!! A dream for a brown eyed baby boy with dark brown hair has come true forever and a year later he is a toddler for whom our love knows no end!!

To Clay:

We love you baby boy, for you will always be our baby, thanks to God, a birthmother who loved you first and wanted more for you, a loving family who cared for you when Mommy and Daddy couldn't and a woman with a love for children and the people she worked with for bringing you home to us.

We love you, John Clayton!!!

Signed: Your Mommy and Daddy

Note Note Note Note: Here is the difference in one years time


Jaime said...

He is a beautiful little boy. Thank goodness he is home w/ his forever family.

Joanna said...

Clay just continues to capture my heart over and over...I'm so thankful he's home with his loving mommy and daddy...

We love you, sweet boy!