Monday, August 27, 2007


Last Wednesday, Carol returned from Guatemala with updated pictures and and medical plus some pictures that she got herself. They were really cool pics and it felt so good to see our son again. He sure is growing. At 6 months of age he 16lbs 12oz and 28.30 inches long. She did however tell us that she was having him sent to a specialist to check his vision as she is concerned he has a lazy eye or crossed eyes. I never thought that before but is ok. It is nothing major and can be corrected. We will just be glad to get our son home.

We are still waiting on PA. It wouldnt be so bad but there have been no PA's issued in over a week and none today either. I know alot of people waiting so long now and there are fears that PA time will increase another 30 days. I am praying,though, that it remains a rumor and we will have our PA on or before Oct 25th. We are still praying for a miracle and that it could occur sooner as we would really like to be out of PGN by the end of December. Please be praying,not only for us but for all adoptive parents adopting from Guatemala, the foster families and orphanages in Guatemala that have children being adopted in them, elections that will be taking place soon as the whole process of adoptions and whether they continue depends on it all. If you want to learn more about everything going in Guatemala and adoptions please go to for more information. Remember God is in control and miracles do still happen. Thank you for the prayers.

In order to understand what come next it is this. Once we have PA,our attorney will review everything in our dossier(paperwork about us and our ability to be able to care for an infant) and then submit us to PGN. PGN (lovingly called the "Black Hole")is the process that takes place in the Guatemalan court system that will approve our adoption and make our son legally ours. In this process, We will be going thru 2 reviewers and each one can issue a KO (Kick Out)which is basically they find something they dont like about our paperwork and will send to the third review that has to sign the authorization to kick it out and then our attorney will have to get fixed or us if on our side and then when corrected will resubmit and then we start all over again. Once it has been signed off by both reviewers it will once again go to the third reviewer and if he finds nothing wrong will sign paperwork of and we will be considered out of PGN!!!!! This process is taking on average 8 weeks at a time whether it is for a kick out or sign out. We are praying for no KO's. This rarely happens cause sometimes PGN issues a KO just to do it and free up some room on their desk but as we know God is in Control and Clay will come home in HIS timing.

A miracle here would be to get PA before Oct 25th(even a week)and exit PGN before December 31, 2007.

And for what everyone has been waiting for:


veggiemom said...

Hoping you get PA sooner than you expect adn fly through PGN so you can bring that handsome little man home!

Kerri and Ruby

Xadie's Journey said...

I hope great news comes from the doctor real soon. It looks like he is at a very healthy weight. I can't wait to see your "We got PA" post on Carol's chat group. Hang in there:)

Xadie's Journey said...

I really like the music you have on your blog. It helps create a magical experience:)

Joanna said...

Every song you have on your playlist makes me cry! :) I was hearing that PAs were coming a bit faster, so hopefully that will be the case for you (and me!) Where did you see that there were no PAs last week or this week? Bummer... Hang in there - you've got an adorable little guy.