Friday, February 1, 2008

I am sooo losing it!!!!

Our DNA sample got to Labcorp on Wednesday the 30th (my mom and dad's 38th anniversary) and I was really excited and forgot their anniversary. Sorry, Mom and Dad. Since then and until the DNA got to Labcorp I have been watching my email like it is going out of style. I just want it there. He is legally our son and I just want him home with me and the US Embassy hasn't even issued any pink slips since Monday and this one day a week emails is so not good. I have been so politically polite and now I am just upset. I want my son home. We started this whole process almost one year ago and it seems like every time we get anywhere and step is over OUR governement slows us down. They have now viewed our file so many times and even now after having 2 dna tests they still do more. What is this? Issuing these once a week so far isnt right. Some people end up waiting a whole week to get an appointment and others get it in 48 hours. I just want my baby home!!!!! Oh yeah, I know there are some out there that will tell me dont do that, you shouldnt feel that way. No reason, too. To those: Have you gone through this? Do you know what it feels like to be in my shoes? If the answer is no then don't tell me that. Yes, God is in control and Clay will come home at the right time. I know that. I believe that, but right now I just want OUR Baby home!!!! He is mine and I should be able to go get him sooner than in a few weeks or two months. OK, I am finished venting!!

We have a praise for one of our prayers, Joanna is OUT of PGN and already has her Birth Certificate and Passport.

Angela has been sitting on Barrios' desk for a week or so now and is really wanting to know what it is for since Barrios has to sign off on everything. Kristi has been in PGN a little over 7 weeks now and doesn't know where she is in the waiting list but is wondering if she is getting out or not!!! Kim is still worrying somewhat as her agency has told her nothing!! Please be praying for all these women and their families as this weekend and next week goes through. Also, please be praying for Annette as she really needs the strength to get thru getting back in PGN and out after her third Kick Out. Please be praying for all my friends listed here and for Mary as she is waiting out the process for their child. This second time is SO Hard on both her and her husband and need all the prayers they can get. Anna needs prayers to as Pablo is now realizing this is a permanent change and nights aren't easy. Pablo needs prayers as it is hard on him also. Thank you for your prayers.

Last night we got alot of snow and when Matt got home from work he took a few pictures that I will be posting here. This type weather really makes us want to go home. It is way to cold for us Southerners, here.


Alex and Sam said...

hang in there carolyn.... I know all about the waiting.... clay will be home soon!!!!!

tina said...

vent away, it is surprisingly helpful. He will be home in time to totally freeze in your weather! = )

you've been "tagged". (sorry, lol) link back to my blog and check out today's post.

- tina

Anonymous said...

These final moments are so hard! It's going to happen so soon, I just know it! Can't wait to see you reunited with Clay.


Beth said...

This end of things turns out to make us just as anxious as any other stage! We were out 12/11 and are not much closer to getting home... bumps happen, I guess,

Anyway, I am so thrilled for you to be moving along smoothly!! It is hard to wait, but you are moving and your prayers are being answered!

Can't wait to see your next update!

Anonymous said...

...sooooo, when are you going to share your new good news???????