Sunday, March 9, 2008

Our First Week Home!!

It has been a really tough week. We all came home with colds. On top of that Clay was getting up alot and I mean alot the first part of the week till I figured out if I could get to him while not completely awake and give him his bottle (he lost it in the bed) he was fine and would stay asleep. But 10xs a night at first was extremely hard. We were sick, no sleep and then our little one would wake up in great spirits and play hard all day. He has no off button. He don't even have a slow down button he remains on fast forward all day long. The weather changed drastically on Sunday it was in the 70s. Monday cold and snowing. Tuesday we had 11 inches of snow. Wednesday, we had the Doctors appt and it was ok. We really like our doctor and she had a good grasp of all that was needed and where we needed to be. We had three shots to get and bloodwork was tried but not able so scheduled to go to lab the next day. Well, needless to say Clay had a hard time with the shots and Matt and I both were almost crying our eyes out when he had to get stuck. We stayed calm, though. As soon as it was all over everything was fine. Well, we were supposed to do the lab work at the lab after the eye doctor thursday but poor fellow the eye drops made him so upset and stuff we decided to wait till Monday. He needed a break. We found out at the eye doctor that Clay has strabismus with a combination of two types of esotropia and was really bad far sighted. So we have to have surgery on his eyes so that he will be able to have some form of depth perception ( he has none now) and to correct the crossing as it is bad enough he will not outgrow it. He will always be in glasses for far sightedness and we are going to get new glasses this week. His need to be refit, but also because the ear piece is about non existant on one side now due to constantly removing them. Hopefully these will stay on better. We shall see. Friday was our first Post Placement visit and it went really well. I am glad it did. I was really nervous about it and have been about everything, but it went great and now I feel better about everything.

Matt went back to work Wednesday and was there every night. He had to call out Friday night though cause got a fever and was just to sick to go in. He had no voice and boy was it a hard night. Matt sick with a fever, me sick and not able to stop coughing and Clay maybe getting over his not sure. We have just had a tough week. Matt was back at work Saturday night and is glad to get the next few days off to rest and hopefully get over this cold so we can all start sleeping and maybe be more than zombies during the day. We havent taken many pictures in fact just a few due to being sick, tired and trying to all learn to adjust. Here are the few I have.

Me playing with my toys (well some of them)

Smiling at Daddy after eating spaghetti for dinner

"Ok I have had enough pictures, now get me outta here"

1 comment:

Alex and Sam said...

i hope the sickness has left your house... clay looks like a happy baby, especially in his bday pics. I really hope things are getting better for all of you