Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Good News

We found out last night that we are back in PGN!!!! I am so VERY glad. This whole time of knowing that our case was having to just sit there and nothing happening was extremely hard and the relief of being back in is tremendous. Once again we start the eight week countdown and from what I can figure eight weeks will be December 31, 2007. I was hoping so much for no kick out and to bring him home before the first of the year. We are figuring with the last things to be done to have his visa we will be home with him end of January, First of February as long as no more Kick outs occur. We are praying so much that no more will occur.

We know that a miracle can still occur cause with God anything is possible. Is it likely? NO!!!

Praise God we are back in and our process will go forward!!!!

Guatemalan Congress has put the possibility of a new law to extend the Hague to begin April 1, 2008 instead of January 1, 2008 and work on getting more of the program set up as to protect and allow care for all kids left behind. This is good news!! Will be voted on next week. What a relief!!!!!!

Please continue to pray for Guatemala, the children in process and the children that will be effected by the adoptions continuing and the birth families that dont know what to do. Prayers are what is keeping everyone going through this process. Thanks for all your prayers and support in our journey to bringing our son home!!!!!!

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