Friday, November 9, 2007

Here we go again!!!!!

Well, I was reading up on the new possibility of the extension to the hague and learned that the DOS is pushing for the extension not to be passed and the January 1, 2008 date to stand. For more information on both of what I have been talking about in the last two posts.

The extended date would be good for more than us it would be the best for the children remaining that need homes and love and for Guatemala time to put everything into place with training and setting up of a central authority. To do it fast leaves no time for training or setting up a way to keep the childrens best interest first.

Please be praying that the children are the main focus of everyone and that all of us waiting on children to come home bring them home soon!!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hugs, sister

holding ben, so can't type

youll do the same with clay but oh howempty you feel now. love,
mary anne l.

ben li9kes your blog music and pictures.