Wednesday, January 16, 2008


This week has been a really good week. We have gotten word that we should have our New Birth Certificate next week. I am so glad cause once you get that things seem to move quicker for awhile to bringing them home. Well, until waiting for 2nd DNA and Pink Slip!! LOL.

Update: Cheryl got out of PGN on friday, January 11th!! Thank you all for praying. I have two more friends should be getting out soon. Please be praying that they do as their time is getting closer. Joanna and Annette. Thank you for praying as we all appreciate it. I am trying to keep this based on date so if forgotten someone please just let me know and I will update.

Last night, Matt and I got a high chair and outfit for Clay. Today, we got more babyproofing stuff and put the letters I made and showed in an earlier post up today in his room. I am going to add a picture of some sort in front of the name and will post that once I decide. I have had fun getting ready for him to come home and even though got a lot left I am getting there. Now I am adding pictures of my favorite outfits, high chair, the letters now on the wall and a picture of the outfits that I would love for you to vote on. The poll is on the right side of the screen and will post the pic of the outfits beneath it for you. The poll ends on the 23rd at 5:30 PM. Please, DO NOT vote more than once as I cant choose and need your help!!!!

Thank you all for your prayers and help with choice of outfits.


possiblereturnblogger said...

Carolyn - Clay is going to be quite the little cutie in either outfit! I like when parents have special outfits for the Embassy appt - it is such a special day, after all! He is absolutlely adorable! Hope the rest of your wait flies by.
P.S. Thanks for adding me to your prayer list - it means a lot :0)

Laurie said...

OMG I didn't think Clay could get any cuter and then there is the Valentine picture! I LOVE the letters of his name, the high chair is sooo cute with the giraffes and don't I see a Hanna jacket! LOL I talked my aunt into that for her grandson. LOVE that one. He is going to be the best dressed little boy in STL! I'm so excited for you. YOUR day is almost here!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for putting me on your prayer list! I love all the cute clothes and goodies you got for Clay!! He'll be home so soon!! :)

Much love,

Unknown said...

We cant wait for your to bring Clay home!! I voted for the outfit --I went to for catchy casual!!!

Also, I love the letters for his room.