Monday, January 7, 2008

What will tomorrow bring???

Yesterday, was an awesome day. Matt once again had to work late and we didn't get to church, but we did go out on a date for the first time in a long time. We went to Applebees and then to Babies R Us to do some shopping off the clearance racks for next winter and I bought on outfit for this summer. After shopping, we went to see National Treasure:Book of Secrets and really liked it. Finally, before heading home, we stopped at Steak N Shake near the mall for something to drink and got really good service for the first time at a Steak N Shake since coming to St Louis. We had a great time shopping for Clay and spending time just the two of us and dreaming and planning all the things we want to do with Clay when he comes home.
Today, Anna tried calling the USE (U.S. Embassy) back and seeing about her pink appt. Well, all we know is her second 2nd DNA test was delivered to the USE and hopefully and prayerfully, will get her Visa appt for pick up tomorrow.
Anna, during all that was nice enough to call PGN for us. We found out we are out. BUT we don't know if that is for a Kick Out our third or out for good. Carol called later and said that Maria will check with PGN tomorrow and see what is up. Considering we have only been back in 2 weeks this is more than likely a kick out. At the same time God is still in the business of making miracle and we could really be signed out for good. Well, as you can imagine I am really on edge of my seat. I want to be out and believe Laura SOOOOOOOOO badly that we are but scared to death she has made a mistake and we are kicked out and it will be a long time before re-entered. Please, God, let this be our OUT!!!!!!!
Well, y'all we will know tomorrow and until then my mind and body and soul are going haywire and waiting is not easy!!!! Please let this roller coaster be nearing it's home base and be over. Well, that is all for tonight. Please be praying for us all.


Beth said...

Praying to see good news... that OUT really means OUT!

Alex and Sam said...

I am SOOOOOOO hoping that you are the GOOD out!!!!!
please let us know

Anonymous said...

You have wonderful new now, huh? All you have to do is stop trusting people so much and lean on God more. I am still prayinf for all of you to bring those babies home. God is in control here so stop fidgeting lol.