Friday, October 12, 2007

Visit Trip #2 *Not Long Now*

Today started out with just a little to pack, but I remembered three items needed at Babies R Us and well my three turned into 5 and one of them is posted here. I love to look and I found a costume so can get early Halloween Pics and then I found the stuffed animals and I remember Mom always telling me that I had a favorite monkey for my first Christmas and figured when I saw it my son had to have a monkey so I bought it. That is all good and dandy, but it wont fit in a suitcase so one of our carry-ons is now his monkey. Other than that we are now packed except for printing a few things out. Now, here is the plan. I am going to post a picture of the monkey. Why?? Cause I was thinking that maybe I could dress Clay like the monkey and switch them using a monkey costume, but the monkey's arms and legs are too long and someone would notice so VERY SAD to say I have to wait for Mr. Barrios to let me out of PGN to come home. Now the monkey and Clay are going to have their pic taken on this trip together then I am going to post my pic with my first monkey and him with his. What do you think? Well ok enough talking. Posting the pic. Then to printing out record locator for flights and getting some sleep so I can start the journey to see my son tomorrow for a little while. Here ya Go!!!!!!

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