Tuesday, December 4, 2007

A Hard Week!!

I will post more about us in awhile but right now if you read nothing else, please be praying for Mary and Phil. Today would have been there Embassy appt and instead of going for pick up they are greiving the unexpected death of their precious, precious daughter.

Update with Anna: She received the final signature of the birthmom and amended birth certificate. We are hoping she received her baby's passport today and will be submitted to the US Embassy tomorrow for 2nd DNA Authorization. We should know tomorrow whether or not she got the passport or not.

There is nothing new here. We are still on the 2nd reviewers desk and that in itself is good news. It means that we are still in PGN and waiting for Mr Barrios' signature to let us out. Please be praying we are out of PGN before the end of the year!!! I don't mean to sound selfish or anything but I just want to be able to bring our son home soon. We miss him so much.

I am going to now post a short video. I hope you enjoy. It is one I took on this last visit.

In this video, Clay and I had fallen asleep and Matt shot the video. I dont know when Matt fell asleep but I know Matt and I woke up about the same time and just talked and stuff till Clay woke up. It is going to be hard to not stay quiet and just go about with normal everyday things when he comes home. We have been told if we keep quiet he will be a light sleeper and we need to do everyday things so not an extremely light sleeper when he grows up. We found out later that not every noise did wake him and we could do some normal stuff and not be totally quiet.

Y'all have a good night and I will write more later. Please be praying for all of us adoptive parents and for our son's country and the results of the adoption law being voted on today or next Tuesday.

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