Saturday, December 22, 2007

We are back in!!

It was a really short kick out for which I am very thankful and now the official wait begins. We were re-submitted December 21,2008. Everyone please be praying we get signed out for good sooner than later. We are ok. we are both just hurting REALLY bad. On top of that my cold turned into bronchitis. Eight weeks is February 15,2008. Clay will be one year and one day and still a 4-6 week wait left to go. Please pray for a miracle that he could still be home before his 1st birthday. With God anything is possible.

The skies are gray
The city is covered in a thick fog
The colors are blended into one
The traffic continues
We stand still staring
Our hearts are bleeding
Hope is dwindling
Our arms ache
They are still empty
Our eyes run
Like a leaky faucet
Someday seems a million miles away
God is hurting with us and close by

Someday will come and hope will begin to grow
The skies will turn a brighter blue, slowly
The city will stand up straight and tall
The colors will begin to separate
Traffic will once again fly with rhythm
And we will begin to move forward again
Our hearts will remain broken for a time
Our arms will become full with the little one we hold dear
Our tears will become tears of joy and happiness
Someday will come in time
God is in control and will bring our son home

Someday will come and the heavens will shine as bright as the sunniest day
The city will ring its bells
Colors will pop
Time will go quickly
Our hearts will mend
Our arms will be overflowing
Our tears will dry and smile
God is answering our prayer in His time.

written by Carolyn

Well, our rollercoaster made it through a 6 week wait of corkscrews, freefalls and flips to come to a brief halt once again in the valley. It is repaired now and beginning a VERY slow, creaking climb to the top to begin once again towards home. Please be praying for a miracle that this ride towards home will come to a stop sooner than later!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Steph said...

We were also resubmitted on 12/21 after our 2nd previo. Hoping and praying we are both APPROVED soon!