Thursday, December 20, 2007

Venting after getting Bad News

Well, things aren't going as well as I wanted or thought they would. I came home Wednesday sick and wanting to hear good news as Tuesday is Christmas and yesterday I thought we got it. We called PGN and were told we were on the the third reviewer's desk awaiting final signature and so as to verify told our agency so she could check. We were on the third reviewer's desk, alright, but all we received was a big fat Kick Out. For a statement that says we are going to treat the child we adopt as we would our biological child. My word what do they think?? This whole process is hell and I wouldn't dare be going through it if it wasnt for a child of my own. Why is it so hard for people to believe that a person would actually raise another woman's biological child to be able to have a child to love, care for and nurture? Children are a gift from God and it doesn't matter whether biologically or born in the heart they are a gift and a gift needs to be cared for and loved. We will be re-submitted tomorrow with the correct statement and out around February 15. That is 8 weeks from tomorrow and the day after Clay's first birthday. Don't these people care that we want our son home. Instead they keep coming up with any reason just to do it and keep us in longer. I dont care if anyone thinks I am complaining. I don't care right now what anyone thinks. I am hurt. I was hoping and praying we were getting out of PGN and able to come home sooner than later. I was really believing would happen but it isnt to be. God opened this door and for some reason he is letting us go through more than I ever thought would happen. We have had delay after delay along each step and now we get in PGN and that continues. We have started this process by being delayed by USCIS and then before being approved just to adopt from another country I am put on the phone with a reviewer who interrogates me as to why I am adopting? Why I just dont have a baby? Why not domestic? Why not wait till back to GA? This has never been heard of before but it happens to me. Some of those questions were already addressed in the home study and that is where info is supposed to come. Then the next step was first DNA Authorization was delayed cause one person was paid to do a job and didnt do it and had to be redone by someone else. My birth certificate was lost in translation. My cousin died. Then Pre-Approval takes a long time and PGN kicks me out twice. I have been patient. I have waited and not complained. I have just tried to go with the waves but now I am tired. I am hurting. I was wanting my child home in my arms forever. I have went and seen him and taken care of him 100% twice and given him back when all I wanted to do was hold onto him forever. And each day that goes by and he isnt home he is growing more and more and now not even to be able to be home for his first birthday!!!! No one in my family understands they have kids they have had since the day they were delivered and came home or they came home so fast they have no clue what real life adoptions are. They dont know what it is like and yet for that short time always going on and on about how hard it is. Well it is my turn but I cant. All I know is this has taken my heart out stomped on it once more and returned it to say now take it and wait. We have you and you are at our mercy. Still no matter how this sounds it still doesn't come close to say how we feel!!!!!!! Nothing can!!!!
The only things I can find thankful about this process so far is that our son is safe with a family that loves him very much, we are getting re-submitted to PGN quickly and well, that is it!!! Please, God, bring Clay home soon!!!!!!!

Please be praying this is the hardest yet!!!!!!!


Anna said...

I know your hearts are broken right now and this pgn process is so unfair. But remember if I can survive 6 months of pgn, so can you!!! Its not fun and its a rough ride but at the end the reward will be so worth it when you are with Clay forever!!! I am praying for you! Big Hugs!

Cammie said...

I'm so sorry the road has been so rough for you. Hoping you get right back in and out soon!


Kristin from Couponing to Disney said...

THAT SUCKS! Man Carolyn I am so very sorry. It's just stupid. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Ugh I am so pissed off for you right now. It is not fair at all that you are having to go on this rollercoaster ride. Come on! ARGH!

So I will pray that God gives you reviewers this time that aren't so nitpicky and your information be everything they are looking for. I will also pray that the next 6 weeks fly by.

As always I am more than happy to give you a shoulder and an ear.


Xadie's Journey said...

So so sorry Carolyn. I'm sure your heart is troubled right now as would anyone in your shoes. I'm sending you a special GA hug! Hang in there.

Alex and Sam said...

I am so sorry for you both, you are so right, nothing in this process is fair but you dont realize the extent until you are in the situation yourself... its really hard for people who are not adopting to understand & that why you have all of us.. We are here for you
merry xmas

Beth said...

So sorry for this latest annoying and confusing set back. You have every right to vent and I hope it was helpful to get it all out. You have many people praying and hoping the rest of your journey to Clay is smooth and FAST! Hang in there.

Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.