Friday, December 7, 2007

A True Story

The other night, Matt and I were able to meet with another adoptive parent from our agency and a friend of hers. They were staying in town overnight to be at the airport the next morning to leave for a visit trip. We had a really good time. We went out to eat and just spent the time talking and getting to know each other. All went really well, that is until we got ready to leave. I got up and I have this really bad habit of having a glass of tea or something wherever I am and as we left I was drinking my Dr Pepper when we were leaving. Everything was going great and I went to get into the car when I realized I still had my drink. How embarassing. I had to go return it. I have started to do that before, but Matt always seemed to realize it before we left the restaurant, until now that is. Oh well. We had fun even laughing about that.

Fast forward to today and Anna has had the 2nd DNA test done. The test should be to Labcorp on Monday and Results ready and overnighted to the Embassy on Thursday or so and the Pink Slip 24 hours later if all goes smoothly.

Kristi is in Guatemala visiting with her daughter and is waiting on Pre-Approval from the US Embassy please be praying she receives it soon so she can enter PGN as she has been out of Family Court for awhile now.

For those following our journey and praying for us come Tuesday, December 11, is the vote for the new law. I do know it includes a grandfather clause, but we don't have any clue what that grandfather clause will mean to the over 4000 cases in progress. There are alot rumors running rampant over what that means and at this time we have no clue if any are true. I am not posting anything I have read until I know facts because rumors just cause distress and I dont want that I just want to know what we are all facing. PLEASE continue praying as the rumors are scary for a lot of people. Please be praying that our case and any one else in PGN gets out and that the people waiting for PA receives there's soon. REALLY soon. Mostly just please be praying for us adoptive parents, the Guatemalan Government and ours that oversees this process that decisions will be made for the good of us, them and the kids this effects. Thank you for your continual prayers. Now, if you look after this you will see a picture from the other night. It is Matt and I and Kristi. Left to Right.


Beth said...

Thanks for popping over to my blog... nice to meet you! :)
It looks like you are hoping for the same thing we are this week... praying your family gets good news from PGN this week! I will come back and check! You are right, this really is a rollercoaster ride... and I am ready to get off! heehee! I checked out your pics of Clay... what a sweetie!

Xadie's Journey said...

Carolyn, I love your soda story. I think it was sooo cool you were able to meet up with them. I bet it's nice to get to meet them face to face. Just think, any moment now, you will get the "out" call :-) Big hug coming from GA!